Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Texas Pin-Up

Likely going to be selling some prints at this years Vet Fest, so figured this was a great excuse to get back to some of the more patriotic art I used to make much for often.  Being that I've been in TX over a year now, I thought I'd dedicate a pinup to the Lone Star State. 

This was created in Photoshop from concept sketch to final render.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Star Wars: The Old Republic -Asset Dump 01

Hi all!

Being how I've now moved on since my Contract at BioWare, I thought I'd post up some of the first assets I got to make for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Under each image is a direct link to the asset on my ArtStation if you care to check it out further.

Asset 01:
This was part of my art test for the weapon/prop artist position.  The test was to see how I would not only build the asset, but also design something new that fit correctly into the Star Wars universe.  Being a fan of both weapons and Star Wars, I knew that most blasters start off with a WWII era of firearm with other parts of different weapons or scopes attached to make them look "sci-fi".
Asset 02:
Also part of the art test, this was pair of binoculars I created also of my own design.  Similar to the blaster, doing some research proved that previously created binoculars in the Star Wars films often started with a 60s-70s era of camera with additional parts glued over top.  So using Luke's binoculars from "A New Hope" as inspiration, I found a camera body I liked and then added some lenses and parts from appliances as well as some of the pieces used in the film versions of other binoculars.

Asset 03:
This was the very first thing I created once starting my contract on Star Wars: The Old Republic.  I was told to take inspiration from the "Siege Cannon" seen at the end of "The Last Jedi".  (Everyone's favorite SW film lol)  Beyond that, I had the pre-determined hand positions for this type of weapon and some direction from my supervisor, Brad Lewis, who helped me dial in the design.
Asset 04:
Lastly for this post, is the first "mount" I created for the game.  This one was based on a couple well crafted, pencil sketches from Brad Lewis.  He gave me some freedom with the textures which I pulled inspiration from both the Y-Wing and the Snow Speeder seen in "The Empire Strikes Back".

More to come...
I have several more assets from my time at BioWare that I'll be sharing as time permits.  For those that don't know, I'm no longer with BioWare and wanted to wait awhile before showcasing some of the things I made last year.  I know BioWare has been under a lot of scrutiny in recent months for a multiple of reasons I won't get into here, however I hope like myself anyone reading this will continue to wish them the best in righting the ship and returning to making excellent products.