Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I am at BioWare!!

Oh wow, it's been a LONG time since I've posted a blog post!  I feel like writing about my craft and the industry is a great outlet for me to remind myself how great it is that I get to do what I love every day.  So expect to see some posts a bit more frequently here on Drawn with Lead!

So to start off on the right note, if you haven't seen through my other social media outlets, I am currently employed by BioWare in Austin TX.  :)

I am currently a Prop/Weapon Artist on Star Wars: The Old Republic.  I have been here about three months now and it's been a very rewarding experience.  I have a great mentor who's taught me a ton about 3DS Max and some pretty awesome techniques as well as just giving me a better understanding of what to look for when texturing different types of metals and materials that goes well beyond the standard "yeah, it's metal".  Probably the most exciting aspect of the job is that I get to not only create 3D weapons, props, droids and vehicles that go into an awesome Star Wars IP, but I have also been trusted to concept some of my own ideas and get them into the game.  To top this off, once assets are approved by Lucas Film, these assets become canon!  I mean, what Star War nerd hasn't dreamed about creating things for the most awesome sci-fi IP in the galaxy?!?!

It's been a very rewarding experience so far, and I know I have a lot to look forward to going into next year.  I will post some of the assets I've made once they go live on the SWTOR market place.

That's all for now, just wanted to update my blog with the big news.  And of course, may the force be with you!

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