Friday, April 24, 2020


I always want to do those art challenges that pop up on social media all the time, but the timing never seams to work out with what's going on with life/work and by the time I get to it, I'm very late to the party. But with the quarantine and all, I figured this was as good a time as any to take on one of these challenges. So here is my #SixFanArts challenge image.

I know the point was to let your followers suggest the characters, but I don't have the followers to really pull that off, so I just went with some characters that meant something to me personally. Granted, I did get some votes for Predator, Mario and it worked out. :)

Chun Li:
Anyone who knows me likely knows that I'm a long time Street Fighter fan. I put countless hours into the original SFII alone and would stick with the series through adulthood. SF3: Third Strike is my all time favorite and still consider it the best fighting game to date. Although not my best character in every SF, Chun Li will always have a special place in my gamer heart.

Like many kids from the 90's, I fell in love with Ninja Turtles the very first time I saw one of the chunky action figures. Days later I would have watched the original 5 episode pilot series a dozen times. I got the TMNT NES game same day as my NES and I don't even want to think about how many hours and quarters I dumped into the arcade games as well as later console games.
The Turtles left such an impression on me over the years that my son's name is inspired by the leader on the group, so here's to you Leo!

I got requests for both Mario and Yoshi, and it just so happens Super Mario World is likely my favorite Mario game due to my love and fond memories of the SNES. I was so in love with the game I even watched the less than mediocre cartoon on CBS every Saturday morning. To this day I can go back and enjoy it and often do. Also, much how Super Mario on the NES got me into the world of gaming, Super Mario Odyssey would be the catapult for my son as well. Thanks to a lifetime of joy my old plumber friend.

I was about 10 or 11 when I saw Predator for the first time, and I remember finding it a tad scary, but also more badass than anything I'd seen before it. The film has aged incredibly well, making it one of the great sci-fi/horror movies of our generation. I'd also have to say it's my favorite Arnold movie to boot. Sadly none of the modern Predator films have lived up to the original IMO, but I do have a liking for the second film with Danny Glover, it's just a very different kind of movie. Regardless, the original film along with the character itself, are timeless and worthy of a spot on this image.

Biker Scout:
I couldn't really do a tribute to my favorite IP's and not include Star Wars in some fashion. They were my favorite films as a kid and remain some of my favorite cinema today. I know it can be easy for fans to fall into the negative rage surrounding some of the more recent SW productions, however I'd also like to remind everyone that we have been given Rogue One, a fantastic TV series and a recent single-player narrative game that was actually pretty rad! So, here's my favorite trooper who premiered in my personal favorite SW film who was also one of my favorite action figures.

I knew almost immediately after deciding I was going to do this challenge that I'd be putting RoboCop on the image. Although the 80's had no shortage of violent action movies, RoboCop stood out as it wasn't just a badass action/cop film, but it was shocking by how dark, gritty and "real" it felt. And the violence...holy crap was it violent!! RoboCop himself is still one of my favorite character designs, as is ED-209! Also, I can't think of a single movie with as many rememberable one-liners. They just don't make movies like this today, and you know if they did..."I'd buy that for a dollar!"

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