Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Project 1776 Lead Female Character

I have had a 2.5D side-scroller in my head for years now that I gave the code name "Project 1776".  I have pretty much lost hope in the idea of ever making the game, as making a game of its size just isn't realistic without a staff of talent.  I think many of us in the game development world love to dream about making our "perfect game", but the longer I work in the industry, the more I see just how much work and manpower it takes to make even the simplest of games, let alone something the size of extra large, 2.5D,  Metal Slug.  It just isn't possible while maintaining a full time job.

The basic premise of the game is that it would be a side-scrolling shooter (Contra, Metal Slug, Gunstar Heroes ext...) made in very high end 3D graphics but with the camera locked into a 2D angle, just like Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat and many of the Nintendo Wii games like New Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong Country Returns.  The gameplay would revolve around firearms and doing fancy combos while jumping, sliding and taking cover.  The story is loosely based around some of the popular conspiracy theorists and their ideas of a future where the government would fail us and there would be a revolution.  The game follows two young, new recruits to this rebellion against a corrupt government.  ...never decided on names for them, so we'll just call them Player 1 and Player 2.  :P 

So here is a concept of Player 2, the female lead character.  I'll likely share some more things from this idea over time, I still enjoy making characters and weapons for the game idea...just a fun excuse to make cool stuff. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

1911 Competition Shooter

Was in the mood to do something a bit more comic book illustration style this weekend and ended up creating this image of a competition shooter.  It was a fun drawing and I'm still teaching myself new things all the time which is always good. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Colt 1911A1

Haven't posted any new 3D in quite awhile, so I felt it was due time to dust off my 3D software and put something out.

This is a Colt 1911 that I built as a level 0 game model.  I wanted to start off with the classic version that was used in WWII  but I also plan to change out some of the parts and make a few other variants of this classic firearm.  Please feel free to leave comments with any suggestions to what 1911 you think would make a cool game model and maybe I'll do that one next.   Appreciate anyone who participates. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Yankee Marshal - Comic Version

Here is another image I have made of The Yankee Marshal, one of my favorite people on YouTube.  The last image I made was simply a recreation of his current logo, and all I really did was take what he has and try to make it look more like him.  I thought this time I would make something of my own design that reflects his fun and more "nerdy" side.  Yankee is a big comic book and cartoon fan, so I thought I'd put a bit of a Superman treatment on the logo.  If you see this Yankee, hope you get a kick out of it! :)

Watch The Yankee Marshal here:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Street Fighter Toons

More game toons!!  So as you may have seen in one of my earlier posts, my wife and I did a series of paintings with some Street Fighter characters a couple years back.  After going through and digging up some of the cartoons we never did anything with and posting them up here on my blog, I got to looking at the Street Fighter characters and felt I could touch them up and make them a bit "cuter".  Also I had an Akuma (Gouki for you SF purists out there) toon that never got put onto a painting.  So, keeping with my recent sharing of these cartoons, I thought I'd put them all together, re-touched into an all new image.  Hope you like!!

"You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Resident Evil 5 Toons

Here is a set of RE5 toons that I'm finely getting around to posting.  I originally drew these back when the game first came out but they were never posted up or finished.  I dug them up last night, re-touched and colored them and thought it's due time they saw the light of day. 

"You were almost a Jill sandwich!"
                                -Barry Burton

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dan & Jessica Toons!

Some time back Jessica and I did a little art project together where I was doing some digital cartoons and Jessica would print them out and paste them onto some really cool paintings she painted on wooden frames that we made.  We had a lot of fun with it and still have three of them hanging in our home.  Above is a little cartoon version of the two of us that we used as promotional material. 

Here is the one she did with Chun Li!  ...and here is the one she did for Ken!  My wife is awesome, just saying! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

YouTube Gun Channel Logos

I love myself some YouTube!  Although I watch variety of different things on YouTube like most people, I spend most of my channel surfing on the firearm channels.  YouTube really is an amazing source of knowledge when it comes to firearms and there are a lot of great people out there who take time out of their week to share their knowledge and experiences.  Recently I reached out to a couple of my favorite gun YouTubers and offered to do some logo work. 
I did this image for a YouTuber who goes by The Martian Summer.  He's a newer channel but I have found his videos very insightful and he's just a good guy with a good head on his shoulders when it comes to firearms and his viewpoints on guns in society.  He sent me an image of himself to work from and it was cool to collaborate with him on the final design.  He liked the design so much he is now putting it in the begging of his videos.  He was even nice enough to give me a shoutout which was very cool of him and unexpected. 

You can find his videos here at the link below, I highly recommend them.

Here is another logo I made for another gun YouTuber, The Yankee Marshal.  His channel is very educational and he's also quite a character!  His videos  tend to be on the lighter side and very entertaining.  He likes to keep his guns clean and pretty, so a lot of his videos are on firearm maintenance and modifications.  He also does a bit of prepping and gun range videos.  Just a really cool dude!

Watch The Yankee Marshal here:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Axe Concepts

I had done some sketches for a Darksiders II contest a couple months back but never got around to creating the 3D model.  I came across those sketches and thought I should take the best ones and render them out for my 2D portfolio...so here they are! :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

1911 Concept

Digital painting of a "Drawn with Lead" edition 1911.  Been watching American Guns and I always enjoy seeing the cool customized hand guns they make for their customers...I guess you could say this might be what I'd have them make me if I was every so inclined. ;)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Military Concept Vehicle

I have been doing a lot more conceptual work as of late, here is a military vehicle of my own design that I decided to throw my Saturday at.  I roughed out the basic shape in a 3D package than took into Photoshop for the digital paint-over and variations.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Even More Fun With Planets!!

Decided to make the planet images a trilogy!  Went with some pinks and purples on this one.  Not sure why, but I like space images that are bright and un-ordinary color schemes.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

More Fun With Planets!

I enjoyed doing the last space image so much, I decided to do another but with a cool color palette. Painted in Photoshop once again using primarily the standard airbrush with a small amount of photo manipulation for the meteorites.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fun With Planets

Got the itch to do something a bit more sci-fi than my usual work.  All made in Photoshop primarily with the airbrush, smudge tool and some basic filters.  If you don't know this about me already...I love myself some 1 pixel brush, just saying! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

DrawnWithLead Draws: Shay Carl & Katilette

Playlist Live 2012 in Orlando; got to meet Shay Carl and his awesome family!!  They are really great people and it was a lot of fun to create this drawing for them, I sure hope they like it. :)


Sunday, May 6, 2012

DrawnWithLead Draws: Omar

Playlist Live 2012 in Orlando; We met up with Omar at the Maker Studios Booth.  Omar was pretty stoked about the drawings I had done of Shay and Kassem so I told him I'd make one for him too.  Didn't get footage of me doing the drawing this time, but Jess still put together a cool video for this week.  Check it out below!!

Live from Channel 6 News!!

I just sort of got this idea for a April O'Neil wallpaper one day....so I made it.  I wanted her to come off as a bit more hot version of the April from the 90's cartoon series.  One of the more fun pieces I've worked on for sure.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Forsaken World Commission

This is a desktop wallpaper I did as a commission.  It's based off the online RPG "Forsaken World" which has a very Asian art style so it was a good excuse to do something a bit more "anime" then my normal work.  Enjoy!

DrawnWithLead Draws: Kassem G

Jessica and I recently went to Playlist Live 2012 in Orlando.  While we were there we met up with Kassem G and I showed him a sketch I drew of him while he was on stage doing his thing.  I told him that I would color and finalize the image and send it to him....so hey Kassem, here you go! :)

Check out the video Jessica made here: