Monday, October 15, 2012

YouTube Gun Channel Logos

I love myself some YouTube!  Although I watch variety of different things on YouTube like most people, I spend most of my channel surfing on the firearm channels.  YouTube really is an amazing source of knowledge when it comes to firearms and there are a lot of great people out there who take time out of their week to share their knowledge and experiences.  Recently I reached out to a couple of my favorite gun YouTubers and offered to do some logo work. 
I did this image for a YouTuber who goes by The Martian Summer.  He's a newer channel but I have found his videos very insightful and he's just a good guy with a good head on his shoulders when it comes to firearms and his viewpoints on guns in society.  He sent me an image of himself to work from and it was cool to collaborate with him on the final design.  He liked the design so much he is now putting it in the begging of his videos.  He was even nice enough to give me a shoutout which was very cool of him and unexpected. 

You can find his videos here at the link below, I highly recommend them.

Here is another logo I made for another gun YouTuber, The Yankee Marshal.  His channel is very educational and he's also quite a character!  His videos  tend to be on the lighter side and very entertaining.  He likes to keep his guns clean and pretty, so a lot of his videos are on firearm maintenance and modifications.  He also does a bit of prepping and gun range videos.  Just a really cool dude!

Watch The Yankee Marshal here:

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